Bat Survey Service In Manchester UK


What is a bat survey in the UK?


In the UK, a bat survey is a study of bats and their habitats in a specific area. Bat surveys are usually conducted to assess the presence, distribution, and abundance of bat species in an area, as well as to evaluate the suitability of the area as a habitat for bats. Our Bat surveys in Manchester are typically conducted by trained and experienced biologists or ecologists, and can be carried out using a variety of methods, including visual observations, acoustic surveys (using specialized equipment to detect and record bat calls), and mist netting (setting up nets to capture bats for identification and release). The results of a bat survey can be used to inform conservation and management decisions, such as the development of habitat management plans or the design of new buildings in a way that takes into account the needs of bats.


Why do i need a bat survey in the UK?


A bat survey in Manchester UK is necessary to determine if bats are present in a particular area or building and to assess the potential impact of a building development or activity on their habitat. Bats are protected under UK law, and it is illegal to harm or disturb them. A bat survey can help identify any potential impacts on the bats and allow for appropriate measures to be taken to protect them. Additionally, a bat survey can provide valuable information about the species of bats present, their habitats, and their potential roosting or foraging areas. This information can be used to inform conservation efforts and ensure the long-term survival of these important species


When Are Bat Surveys Required In The UK?


In the UK, bat surveys are typically required as part of the planning process for construction development projects that have the potential to impact bats and their habitats. This includes projects such as new housing developments by house builders in Manchester, commercial or industrial developments, and infrastructure projects such as roads and bridges.


Bat surveys in Manchester are required to assess the presence and importance of bats in the area where the development is proposed, as well as to identify any potential impacts the development may have on the bats and their habitats. The results of the bat survey will inform the development of a mitigation strategy, which is designed to minimize or offset any negative impacts on bats.

The timing of bat surveys in Manchester depends on the specific species of bats present in the area and the type of development being proposed. Some bat species are more active at certain times of year, and the survey must be conducted during the appropriate season to accurately assess their presence and activity. For example, bat surveys for species that are active during the summer months (such as Pipistrellus pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus) should be conducted between May and September, while surveys for species that are active during the winter months (such as Myotis species) should be conducted between October and April.

It is important to note that all species of bats and their habitats are protected under UK law, and it is illegal to intentionally capture, injure, or kill a bat, or to damage or destroy their roosts. If you are planning a development project in the UK and think that it may impact bats, it is important to consult with a qualified ecologist or bat specialist who can help you to identify the appropriate survey methods and timing, and to develop a mitigation strategy that meets the legal requirements.


How long do bat surveys last?


Bat surveys in the UK typically last between 2-4 hours, depending on the size and complexity of the site being surveyed. However, multiple survey visits may be required if the site is large or if the bats are active at different times of the day or year.


When can bat surveys be carried out?


Bat surveys can generally be carried out in the UK from April to September, as this is when bats are most active. However, they can potentially be carried out later in the year if necessary, as long as the weather conditions are suitable and the bats are still active. It is important to ensure that the survey is carried out at a time when the bats are likely to be present and active in order to get accurate results.


How much does a bat survey cost?


The cost of a bat survey in Manchester can vary widely depending on the size and complexity of the site, as well as the specific requirements of the survey. Generally, prices for a bat survey in the UK can range from £200 to £1,500 or more.


How long is a bat survey valid for?


A bat survey in the UK is typically valid for one year. However, the exact validity period may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the site and the recommendations of the surveyor. It is important to note that if there are any significant changes to the site or the surrounding area, a new bat survey may be required.


Who does a bat survey?


Bat surveys in Manchester are typically conducted by ecologists, biologists, or environmental consultants who are trained and certified in bat survey methods and identification. Some organizations that offer bat survey services in the UK include Bat Conservation Trust, Natural England, and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).


Who needs a bat survey?


  1. Planning or development projects: If a development project or planning application will potentially impact a roost or habitat used by bats, a bat survey may be required to assess the impact and inform decision making.


  1. Building maintenance or repair work: If work is being carried out on an older building that may have bats roosting in it, a bat survey may be required to ensure that the bats are not disturbed.


  1. Property purchase or sale: If a property is being bought or sold and it is known or suspected that bats may be present, a bat survey may be required to inform the buyer or seller of the potential presence of bats.


  1. Environmental assessments: A bat survey may be required as part of an environmental assessment to assess the impact of a project or activity on bat populations.


  1. Legal compliance: In the UK, it is illegal to intentionally or recklessly disturb bats or their roosts, and a bat survey may be required to ensure compliance with the law.


Can bat surveys be conditioned?


Yes, bat surveys can be conditioned in the UK. This means that they are carried out in accordance with specific guidelines and protocols in order to ensure that they are conducted accurately and reliably. This can include following guidelines on how to safely and effectively carry out bat surveys, as well as complying with any relevant laws and regulations related to bat conservation. It is important to ensure that bat surveys are conditioned in order to ensure that the results are accurate and can be used to inform conservation efforts and decision-making.


What are the bat survey equipment used


The following are some of the equipment commonly used in bat surveys in the UK:


  1. Anabat detectors – These are ultrasonic bat detectors that record the calls and frequencies of bats as they fly by.


  1. Bat boxes – These are wooden boxes with small openings that are placed in trees or on buildings. They provide a roosting place for bats and can be used to monitor their activity.


  1. Handheld bat detectors – These are portable devices that can be carried around during surveys to detect and record bat calls.


  1. Infrared cameras – These cameras can detect the heat signatures of bats as they fly and can be used to identify and monitor different species.


  1. Roost boxes – These are boxes that can be placed in trees or on buildings to provide a roosting place for bats. They can also be used to monitor the activity of bats in a particular area.


  1. Bat nets – These are fine-mesh nets that are used to capture bats for identification and study.


  1. GPS units – These are used to record the location of bat roosts and other important habitat features.


  1. Data loggers – These are devices that can be placed in bat roosts or other areas to record temperature, humidity, and other environmental variables.


  1. Bat call identification software – This software is used to analyse and identify the calls of different bat species based on their frequency and duration.


What are the different bat survey types in Manchester?


  1. Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment (PRA) – This survey involves a visual inspection of a property or site to identify potential roosting sites for bats, as well as any evidence of past or present bat activity.


  1. Emergence/Re-entry Bat Survey – This survey involves monitoring the exit and entry of bats from a roost site, typically at dusk and dawn, to determine the species and number of bats present.


  1. Activity Transect Survey – This survey involves walking a predetermined route and recording any bat activity, including calls and flight patterns, using specialized equipment such as bat detectors.


  1. Daylight Inspection – This survey involves a visual inspection of a roost site during the day to identify and confirm the presence of bats and determine the size and condition of the roost.


  1. Habitat Suitability Assessment – This survey involves evaluating the habitat within a specific area to determine its suitability for bats, including the availability of food and roosting sites.


  1. Bat Box Survey – This survey involves monitoring and recording the use of artificial roosting sites, such as bat boxes, to determine the presence and activity of bats in a specific area.


What is a bat survey report example?


A bat survey report example may include the following information:


Introduction: This section provides an overview of the purpose of the survey, the site location, and the survey methodology.


Site Description: This section provides a description of the site, including any physical features or habitat types that may be relevant to the presence of bats.


Survey Methodology: This section describes the methods used to detect and identify bats, including any equipment or techniques used.


Results: This section presents the results of the survey, including any observations of bat activity, the species of bats detected, and the number of individuals present.


Conclusions: This section summarizes the findings of the survey, including any recommendations for further monitoring or conservation measures.





A bat survey was conducted at XYZ site in the UK on the evenings of June 1st and 2nd, 2021. The purpose of the survey was to assess the presence and activity of bat species at the site and to make recommendations for any conservation measures that may be necessary.


Site Description:

XYZ site is a small woodland located within the urban area of Manchester. The site consists of mature deciduous trees, including oak, ash, and beech, as well as a small pond and areas of open grassland. The site is known to be used by a variety of bird species, including robins and blackbirds, and is also home to a population of small mammals such as rabbits and hedgehogs.


Survey Methodology:

The survey was conducted by two qualified bat ecologists using a combination of hand-held ultrasonic detectors and a bat detector mounted on a tripod. The survey began at dusk and continued until midnight on both evenings.



During the survey, a total of five bat species were detected at the site: Pipistrellus pipistrellus, Pipistrellus pygmaeus, Nyctalus noctula, Myotis species, and Plecotus species. The most commonly observed species was Pipistrellus pipistrellus, with a total of 22 individuals detected over the two evenings. Nyctalus noctula was also commonly observed, with a total of 15 individuals detected. The other three species were only detected on a single evening.



The results of the survey suggest that XYZ site is an important foraging and roosting habitat for a variety of bat species. The presence of five different species, including two species of conservation concern (Myotis species and Plecotus species), highlights the importance of this site for bat conservation. It is recommended that further monitoring of the site be carried out to track changes in bat activity over time and to assess the effectiveness